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  The 2021 minutes are below with the latest minutes are at the bottom.

Landings at Aberdeen East Homeowners Association, Inc.


January 12, 2021

7:00 PM


The meeting was called to order at 7:00PM

Present:  Sharon Keenan, Harvey Feldman, Richard Hamer, Kathy Chichester and Kris Elliott, Property Manager, Campbell Property Management

Absent: Daniel Kiminyo


Minutes: Kathy Chichester made a motion to approve the meeting minutes of November 20, 2020, seconded by Harvey Feldman.


Presidents Report- No report.

POA: Kathy reported there were no burglaries, one unlocked car, and alligators have been spotted in lakes.  If they are aggressive, call the Alligator Hotline.

EAST:  Kathy reported:

  • Norton will no longer be included with your internet by Comcast.  It can be purchased separately for $35.00.  

  • A new contract will be signed for next year.

  • Telephone directories will be ready in February

  • The East is seeking a new pool vendor.

  • The tennis/pickle ball courts lights are being updated.


  • Two resales; 5542-closed 12/11/20 & 5731 1/11/21.

Welcome Committee:  They will be meeting on January 8th to discuss welcoming the 9 new owners in 2020.

House Committee: Richard informed the community that a Landings resident has donated $15,000 worth of lighting equipment for the tennis/pickle ball court.

Treasurer’s report: Harvey reported on the year-end December financial.  The operating balance is $47,034.20 and reserve balance is $568,391.05. There are currently no delinquencies.


Management Report: Kris Elliott Campbell Property Management reported the following:

  • First Notice of Annual Meeting & Election will be mailed out at the end of the month.

  • Contact her for an electronic copy of the Documents.

  • If you have not received your 2021 coupons; contact her.

New Business:

Vote on 5 member Board: Kathy made a motion to reduce the number of board members from 7 to 5.  Motion seconded by Harvey.  Discussion took place.


Richard made a motion to increase to number of board members from 7 to 9.

The motion was not seconded.


A vote was taken on the original motion; in favor- Sharon, Kathy, & Harvey.

Against- Richard.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted by:

Kristine Elliott, LCAM


The Landings, Aberdeen East – Meeting of the Board

Meeting held on April 13th 2021 - Minutes

1. Board members each introduced themselves.

2. Reports.

The President:-

  • The sidewalks have been washed.

  • Trees are to be trimmed in preparation for the coming season.

  • Take-aways from a zoom webinar on attraction of communities :-

    • Entrances should be attractive in design and maintenance.

    • Importance of good neighborliness.

    • Boards must be transparent.

  • The Board is looking at a methods of improving performance and communications regarding workorders.

  • She advised the community (present) to check the condition of gutters.

  • A dead tree in Berm E will be removed in the coming days.

Real Estate, ARCs and POA report:-

  • The notes of the previous POA Board Meeting were read.

  • Recent home sale numbers were highlighted with details of buying prices.

  • Only one ARC was received during the current period.

Treasurer’s report:-

  • The Landscaping maintenance costs have exceeded the current budget allocation.

  • Legal fees have had an impact on the budget.

  • Next year’s Insurance premium increase is expected to be around 25%.

  • Florida room Corner Posts are being investigated and will have an impact on the budget.


  • Assistance with maintaining an interesting Website will now be available.

  • The secretary was asked to look into the purchase of a surge protector for the Surveillance equipment.

  • The improved technology was proving to be of benefit with the cameras being observed from anywhere in the world, with a Wi-Fi connection.

New Business

  • 3 bids had been received for the annual tree trimming.

    • Duffy’s were recommended. This company was seconded and approved by the Board.

    • Work will start around the end of May.

  • The Board discussed the merits of allowing wider use on the car ports, allowing use beyond the parking of a car.

    • The Floor was invited to comment.

    • The Secretary volunteered to investigate and produce a report.

    • It was noted that any changes would need to follow a formal process and not be a simple change to the Rules and Regulations.

  • A request was received from the floor to have the Pool Wi-Fi made available to users of the pool.

  • A request was made to have the Directory put on the website.

The meeting was Adjourned at 8.00pm.  Respectfully submitted by Richard Hamer, Secretary


Landings at Aberdeen East Homeowners Association, Inc.


May 11, 2021   7:00 PM              

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM

Present:  Lorraine Allen, Harvey Feldman, Richard Hamer, Kathy Chichester and Kris Elliott, Property Manager, Campbell Property Management

Absent: Daniel Kiminyo

Minutes: April minutes will be approved at the next Board meeting.


Presidents Report: Lorraine reported the following:

  • The sidewalks have been power washed

  • Annual tree trim has been completed.

  • The board will be considering a proposed amendment on increasing the Capital Contribution.

  • Reminder to all owners to clean out your gutters

  • No summer meeting; September 14th will be the next Board meeting.

POA: Kathy report there are 11 months left on the current Comcast contract.  The POA has been speaking with Hotwire. There is a new ARB application which is done online.

East: Lorraine informed key fobs as well as cameras are to be installed at all pools and bathrooms.  All facilities are now open.

ARC/ARB: No report.

Resale- Kathy reported there are two homes currently under contract.

Website- Bonnie Campbell will be helping Richard with the website.

Treasurer’s report: Harvey reported on the April financials.

New Business


Capital Contribution- Lorraine made a motion to have the Association’s attorney draft a proposed amendment to increase Capital Contribution to $2,000.00.  2nd by Kathy.

All were in favor; motion passed.


Update Rules & Regulations- The board will be working together to review and update if needed.


Meeting adjourned at 8pm.   Respectfully Submitted:  Kristine Elliott, LCAM


Landings at Aberdeen East Homeowners Association, Inc.


July 19, 2021

11:00 AM              


The meeting was called to order at 11:00 AM

Present:  Lorraine Allen, Daniel Kiminyo, Kathy Chichester and Kris Elliott, Property Manager, Campbell Property Management

The purpose of the meeting is to officially announce the resignations of Harvey Feldman Richard Hamer from the Board of Directors.


President Lorraine Allen appointed Chris Greene and Bonnie Campbell as new members of the Board. Daniel Kiminyo and Kathy Chichester were in favor of the appointments.


With no other official business to be conducted, the meeting was adjourned at 11:30 AM


Respectfully Submitted,  Kristine Elliott, LCAM


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